Friday, June 22, 2012


Sorry it's been so long since I've updated about crue. We have been to what feels like a million doctors appointments, and met with soooo many people. Things have been a little stressful. Here is what we know as of right now. Crue was diagnosed with Spina Bifida Myelomeningocele, as far as they can tell on ultrasound Crue's lesion is at about L1. This will affect his ability to walk as well as bowel and bladder functions. He may be able to walk with some assistance such as braces or a walker if we're lucky, but he will most likely be in a wheelchair. His feet are also turned inward do to lack of nerve messages in his feet ( also known as clubfeet). He has also developed hydrocephalus which means "fluid on the brain". His fluid is at 1.7 (1.0 is normal) as of a month ago. The reason why he has fluid on his brain is because the brain is being pulled down to the back of his skull do to the spina bifida, which blocks the flow of spinal fluid. He will have a shunt places not long after he is born to drain the fluid. The shunt is surgically placed in the back of his head and a tube is weaved down into his stomach where the excess fluid will be drained. There may also be some learning disabilities do to his condition, but we wont know the extent of that until he's older. He will also have to wear casts on his feet to correct his clubfeet, but this wont happen until he's about 10 weeks or so and he'll also have to wear a foot brace for awhile after his casts are off. We were also told that he might have a coarctation of the aorta in his heart, which means there's a narrow part in the aorta vessel that pumps the blood to his body. We have been sent to have an echo cardiogram twice now and the cardiologist said that she can see where the doctors are concerned but everything else in his heart looks great and not to worry. She said there's a 50/50 chance that he may or may not have it and they wont know for sure until after he is born. If he does develop a coarctation then he will have to have heart surgery shortly after he is born, along with surgery to close his spine and surgery to place the shunt....the list goes on and on. It's so heart breaking to know everything our poor little guy is going to have to go through before he's even a week old :( I pray every day and every night that everything goes perfectly and there are no complications. I went to the doctors yesterday and we talked about the delivery plan. I will deliver c section in about three weeks and we will only be able to see crue for a few seconds before he's taken straight to the NICU. He will be examined and wrapped to protect his back. He will then have surgery within the first 48 hours of his life to close is back, and shortly after he will have a shunt placed. We wont be able to hold him until everything is said and done...which is extremely hard for me to except but I know there's nothing I can do about it...On a happier note crue is growing great and measuring right where he should be. We are very excited (and scared) to meet this special little boy in just 3 short weeks!! Here are a few pics from our last ultrasound.

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